PinnedPublished inBetter Programming10 Essential Tips for Writing Secure REST APIREST APIs are used to access and manipulate data using a common set of stateless operations. Let’s make them robustApr 28, 20214Apr 28, 20214
PinnedPublished inBetter ProgrammingAn Advanced Guide to GraphQL With Java, MySQL, and JPA ImplementationGraphQL was developed by Facebook in 2012 to overcome the shortcomings we had with REST APIsMay 3, 20213May 3, 20213
PinnedMicroservice implementation using spring cloud with docker: Netflix stackDiscovery server, API gateway ZUUL, ribbon, inter-services communication and dockerApr 17, 20211Apr 17, 20211
PinnedDockerizing Spring App & Automating Docker with GradleDocker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.Mar 27, 20211Mar 27, 20211
PinnedDistributed System Lock Implementation using Redis and JAVAIn current days I worked on Redis lock-in distributed system. In distributed system Locking/concurrency management is a very important…Mar 20, 20211Mar 20, 20211
Published inLevel Up CodingConcepts of Functional ProgrammingExploring the Power and Simplicity of Functional ProgrammingJan 8, 2024Jan 8, 2024
Published inJavarevisitedImprove API Performance using Redis, MYSQL in Spring Boot AppMaking faster responses and decreasing dependency on expensive DB query.Jun 13, 20215Jun 13, 20215
9 Best Practices for Work From Home or Remote JobThe remote worker must follow these practicesJun 10, 20213Jun 10, 20213
Published inLevel Up Coding16 Important SQL Commands for Handling DatabaseEvery developer should know these commands.Jun 7, 20213Jun 7, 20213
Published inDev GeniusWriting Asynchronous Non-Blocking Rest API using JAVA.Handle large traffic, improved application performance, and responsivenessJun 3, 20218Jun 3, 20218